Languages Archives: Kinyarwanda

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A man and woman sit beside eachother in front of a fireplace. The man looks pleased and relaxed, the woman is upset.

The Bride

  Myriam U. Birara

  Rwanda     73 minutes


Eva, a young Rwandan woman, dreams of attending medical school. But her aspirations are interrupted when she is kidnapped by a group of men as a part of the Guterura rite of enforced marriage. Abandoned by her family, she struggles to cope with the grim reality of her new life  with her new husband Silas and his cousin. While Silas is away working, the two young women form a tender connection as they spend their days doing household chores, beading, making tea, and swapping family histories and memories of the genocide. Despite this newfound ally, Eva contemplates running away to a life of freedom.

Rendered with a quiet naturalism and brimming with humanity, The Bride is both a profound portrait of friendship amid dire circumstances and a calm contemplation of the ghosts of Rwanda’s past.

 Kinyarwanda with subtitles

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Film Credits

  •   Kivu Ruhorahoza, Myriam U. Birara
  •   Myriam U. Birara
  •   Bora Shingiro
  •   Sandra Umulisa, Aline Amike, Daniel Gaga
  •   Urugori Films


Black Perspectives Program Sponsors

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New Directors Program Sponsors

Robert and Penelope Steiner Family Foundation


A young Tutsi girl and Hutu boy fall in love, an army captain tries to stay true to her mission while keeping her humanity intact, and a priest grapples with his faith amidst unspeakable betrayals and horrors. Kinyarwanda magnifies the individual lives of those who suffered and endured in this compelling, wholly original take on the Rwandan Massacre of 1994.

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Life After Death

Life after Death follows the everyday lives of best friends, Kwasa and Fils, as they struggle to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide. Both boys embody the struggle of a generation left behind in the wake of violence and destruction.

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